January 7, 2025
Happy new year! The Streams page has been updated. Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem now have their own franchise pages, so they can be listed in the appropriate section while still linking to the playlists for individual games. The Franchises section itself has been rejigged a bit to list things in the proper alphabetical order, along with Commander Keen being moved there slightly early since I'll be starting on Goodbye Galaxy soon.

December 30, 2024
A big Round-update! The scoring system has been changed to be a bit more generous in most cases, better reflecting my actual opinions. There's a new subpage explaining the calculations and why I chose them. The episode list has also been updated with the Roundup logos. Finally, just to make things look a bit nicer, every subpage in the "Streams" section now has a little sub-menu instead of the text at the top of the main Streams page.
That's all for this year, but there is plenty more to come in 2025! ^.^

November 29, 2024
It's that time of year where I have to face that I'm not very happy with my current lineup and make some decisions! That is to say, I'm indefinitely pausing my Fire Emblem Mystery playthrough, because I think it'll be better to come back to it at some point in the future where I'm really feeling the itch instead of saying I'll definitely get to it this week and then kicking it down the road again. Sometimes I'm just a little slow on the uptake with my own BS, you know?
While I'm at it, I've also removed Castlevania: Curse of Darkness from the current playthroughs. I'd already decided some time ago to pick that back up at a later date if it wasn't obvious, but I didn't have a good excuse to really update the Streams page until now.
Next week is the start of Christmas stuff, so I'll have plenty of time to figure out the new lineup while all those special streams are going on. :3

October 17, 2024
The master list now separates replays from original playthroughs so that sorting by date is easier. This also allowed me to make the date columns thinner, so (HTML finickyness notwithstanding) titles should be more pleasant to read now.

September 27, 2024
A score chart for the newest NES Roundup episode has been added. Like with other stream list-related things, I don't know if I'll post a news update about this every single time. The score for this episode came out somewhat lower than expected, so maybe my score system still needs some adjustments. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. ^.^

September 11, 2024
A big update today! The Profiles page has finally been launched, with all your Rosie lore needs. One of the entries also hints towards a future update for the Setup page...!
In addition to that, there is now a section for NES Roundup, detailing which games I played on each stream, what I thought of them, and a final score for the stream overall.

August 22, 2024
Links page has been updated with some new links and some descriptions for YouTubers. Some minor adjustments have also been made to various bits of the site so they look nicer.

August 19, 2024
The Streams page is now updated and complete with thumbnails for everything! The main page schedule and Master List have also been updated with the latest, but that's a given, so I probably won't make a news post about that every time.

August 17, 2024
Some incremental updates from the past few days for you!
● There's a chatbox now, powered by Chattable!
● The above replaces the Goodies link, because I don't really have any content for that page at the moment.
● There is now a SPINSIE to keep you company in the lower right corner of every page.
● A visitor counter has been added to the home page.
● Streams page updated with Half-Life added to current playthroughs, and Jazz Jackrabbit added to past playthroughs in a slightly awkward but temporary way.

August 14, 2024
Top links now have a YouTube link, while the links page has added Discord, so now they're both the same. Mega Man Classic and Mega Man X playlists and thumbnails have been added to the Streams page. I'm not sure yet how to handle displaying current playthroughs, so for the time being, Jazz Jackrabbit is still there though it's finished, and Half-Life isn't there because it's an Old Shoot Games stream, but maybe it should be. What do you think?

August 9, 2024
Added a master list of streamed games to the Streams page. Also, most of the playlist links there have thumbnails now. I've also made a start on the links page, but to be quite frank I'm bad at this sort of thing (almost as bad as I am at finishing the profile page)

August 6, 2024
Added a list of consoles to the Setup page.

August 5, 2024
I redid the menu colors because I didn't like them. Unfortunately, now that they're so saturated it makes me dislike everything else that used the old color. Noooo! Other than that, I've made WIP versions of the Streams and Setup pages to be gradually filled in. I also want a space to list what mods/hacks I use for games, but I don't know where to put it yet. With suggestions from the muranyakis I have started on the Profiles page but it's not ready to be released yet.

August 4, 2024
I started making the site with the help of chat! Unfortunately, after the basic structure was done, my internet went down so I had to end the stream early. :( It's looking pretty spiffy so far though, wouldn't you say?